Elizabeth Watson

About Elizabeth Watson

Elizabeth Watson captures the raw beauty and strength of nature with every graceful stroke of her brush. Her haunting landscapes enchant and invite the viewer to meditate on the timeless wonder of the ocean. Raised along the coast of England, Watson has been wedded to the sea since birth. Countless summers were spent exploring the shore around her home and sailing with her father. These adventures undoubtedly left a lasting impression that would inspire the artist throughout her career. 

As a child, she displayed great skill in the visual arts in addition to her keen interest in coastal and sea life. Yet it was not until her parents decided to move to America that her mild interest for the arts developed into a passion.  Landing in New England, Watson found a similar landscape to the one she grew up with. Surrounded by a flourishing art community, she met several local artists who encouraged her to develop the style she is recognized for today. 

Elizabeth Watson continues to live and paint in New England.  Her work is highly sought after by private collectors both nationally and abroad.